Women and Love

What pathetic creatures! Women live the most depressive of lives any living being could ever lead. But before getting to elaborate the depressive part of their lives let me enlighten you about a few events I had recently witnessed; it didn’t live up to the opinion I had developed of women from childhood.
1. Quite a modern couple, of the jeans and t-shirt culture, were spending time at a park, for how long I do not know. When I just happened to cross the park in a moving auto I witnessed them kissing upon the lips-right at the centre of both the park as well as the lips. They didn’t care! Actually that was so great to look at, in no perversely sexual way, as that amount of true expression is so rare to find at any time-period in this country.
2. A same kind of couple walking side-by-side holding hands together, but they weren’t conversing with each other. They just kept walking and they both were almost looking outwardly at two different directions. When I observed what the girl was looking at, as I was a boy I had no intention of looking at another boy, she was so closely observing the boy with whom she was walking; at what point he was looking; what kind of objects his eyes cover; the kind of people he sees and the corresponding emotions he exhibits. Just at that time came a beauty dressed in all tights attracting the eyes of all the people around, including a few women. Inevitably, you know what might’ve happened. Yes that’s what happened! The woman lost her temper and started to shout right on the middle of the road itself. What had caused the surprise in me is that the boy didn’t speak anything in return, but kept receiving all the rebukes without even a slight exhibition of unrest. After shouting she kept walking ahead of the boy and he ran behind begging for forgiveness: forgiveness for his ability to see?
3. This time a moderately aged couple, in one of the areas which accommodate the low-earning groups of the city, was shouting at each other with all the filthy words invented till now. The man at one point lost his temper and slapped the wife; this too was happening in the middle of the road. That didn’t solve the problem. The woman felt even more enraged, as if a specific wire that kept her informed of the limit she mustn’t cross is cut off, and was running here and there as if hysterical in the middle of the road with the entire people looking at them. No one individual came forward to separate them and solve the problem; who would? They were of the low-earning group of the city speaking a language which the normal petty bourgeois gets scared even listening to it.
I wanted to share these three incidents from the many numerous things owing to its entirety that all these three events happen in the lives of all women irrespective of the financial background they come from. Financial status just hides the happenings of personal life from social exhibition; the more money one has the more his personal life gets hidden.
Let’s consider the activities of women at their 20s, as that’s the stage they happen to do all kinds of nonsense, which would later be regretted by them until death. Women go crazy more often, than men, looking at men. Being forced under the compulsion to not get so easily yielded to the men they like, they try to put up an appearance making sure that they are perceived in the way they wish. Most often the adapted attitude would be so far-related to their self. At one point this adapted attitude, self-forced on them, would be both wanted as well as hated by them; thereby they become hypocrites. This helpless situation gets them melancholic and depressed which they show so much in their intimate relationships frequently enraged for no reason.
80 out of 100 times the women who show themselves as if they’re the only people in the world doing things as they wish actually do not possess such individuality. They just exhibit things the boys glare at with surprise, appearing just as analogous to what the boys wish when it comes to women. The tinge of surprise which the males around them show out is misinterpreted by them as uniqueness and individuality. They expose their individuality only in what kind of ice-cream they prefer to eat, whether to get wet in rain, what kind of dog to buy, etc. All such individuality disappears at the first place in deciding something that influences their substantiation-in marriage and in love. Why can’t we find any individuality in women when it comes in following an ideology?
The women in 20s, irrespective of their class, want to be impressed. Impressed for what purpose? There can be a psychological as well as a materialistic explanation to this.
They either to fall in love or give themselves only to the man at who they feel worth in the least when compared to the majority of men in their surroundings. For example: In a farming environment, women are impressed by a man who is physically strong. The criterion keeps expanding for the women of the cities. Even if a man doesn’t have any such physique, the display of uniqueness of the mind is enough for them. They just wait to be defeated. Whatever shape it might take! Even a ruthless murderer can find a woman to love! If this attitude of yielding themselves to the act of getting impressed is so widely encouraged among them, why don’t they agree to its later incarnation into a physically forced submission? Both are interrelated! Both these activities, which women at one time want and at the other time repel, require almost the same state of mind.
The materialistic explanation could be given to the women of the middle as well as the upper classes noting with a hawk-eye what kind of material gains could they get from the respective man. The former seems better than this commercialization of themselves, which already a specific group of women carry out in the darkest corners of the city in the name of prostitution, though a little outward in principle. Doing this they think they are intelligent than the others.
We are a generation witnessing the most ruthless violence upon women and all the reform steps taken are in no way near. My personal experience clearly shows that those women are more walking in the abyss of conventional love and its consequences, than doing things unlikely of women attempting to walk ahead of society.
Dressing is their wish; let them wear whatever they want. But their possessive ideology that to be taken care of by their favorite man instead of looking after themselves is the point where the suppression of women brandishes itself. If you see their love relationships they prefer to be spoon fed by their boyfriends and find happiness through it. Without their knowledge they’re trying to recreate in him their fathers but without his imperfections. Such a man is an ‘ideal’ man. A vain hope whether they’ll be the only girl to find an ideal man through love is nothing but a pathetic entanglement! In the course of changing their normal man into an ideal man they fall inside his hatred, and by the time they knew this they would be too much inside it making it hard for them to wither it off.
The responsibility of today’s women lie in breaking the shackles of history and let all the free independence of love reach the people after our generation. If we and our precious women of today are too much willing to exploit the goodness in love, they would only be on a royal path to their self-exploitation. Love-Indian Love-the conventional Love-is the greatest enemy to the women of this country.