Mystery Of Hundreds Of Human Skeletons Found Near A Lake In India Solved

British Guards in Roopkund, India, made a discovery in 1942, involving a frozen lake more than three miles above sea level. What made this discovery so unusual was that the lake was surrounded by hundreds of skeletons… human skeletons. When the ice melted during the summer, more remains were uncovered floating in the water and laying around the edges of the lake. Because this was during World War II, some feared that the skeletons were of Japanese soldiers who had died while sneaking through India, causing the British government to send a team of investigators to determine the truth. Their fears of a Japanese land invasion were discovered to be unnecessary, though, when their examinations turned up evidence of the bones being much older. After dubbing the lake“Skeleton Lake”, many theories to explain the phenomenon surfaced, including epidemic, landslide, and ritual suicide. These theories held sway for nearly six decades, without any real light upon the mystery.

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It wouldn’t be until 2004 that a scientific team in league with National Geographic Magazine retrieved about thirty skeletons, some with flesh and hair still attached. With these, they began to uncover the truth, and their answers startled them. For starters, all of the bodies dated to roughly 850 AD. Two distinct groups of people emerged from the DNA evidence: one of a family, tribe, or closely related individuals, and a smaller secondary group. With the uncover of rings, wooden artifacts, iron spearheads, leather shoes, and staves of bamboo, experts came to believe that the group was made up of pilgrims heading through the valley, being assisted by local porters. Roopkund, being surrounded by rock-strewn glaciers and snow clad mountains, makes for a good trekking destination. A local legend says that the king of Kanauj, Raja Jasdhaval, along with his pregnant wife, servants, dance troupe and others went on the pilgrimage to Nanda Devi shrine. Even today, pilgrims attend the Nanda Devi Raj Jat that takes place once very twelve years at Roopkund, during which the Goddess Nanda is worshipped.


Further analysis of the skulls showed that the people died from similar methods, irrespective of their stature or position… by blows to the head. However, because of the cracks in the skulls, it was determined that these killing blows were caused not by weapons, but by something round. Further inspection of the head and shoulders provided proof that the blows came from above, leaving scientists to come to one singular unexpected conclusion: the hundreds of travelers died from an unexpected, freakish hailstorm. While hail is rarely lethal, these ninth century travelers could not escape the sudden onslaught of these “rock-like spheres of ice” without shelter, which they lacked. It is said among Himalayan women that there is an ancient and traditional folk song that describe a goddess so enraged at outsiders who deviled her mountain sanctuary that she would rain death upon them by throwing hailstones as hard as iron. There may be some truth to this legend, as nearly twelve hundred years after this unusual storm, the green-tinged bones of the hail victims were left to circle the lake, preserved along with their shoes.

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Revolutionary Breakthrough As Indian Scientists Converted Plastic Wastes Into High-grade Petrol And Diesel

Soon, India will be able to convert their plastic waste into diesel and petrol. This is thanks to a great breakthrough by Dehradun-based Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP) researchers. The IIP, which is a constituent lab of the Scientific and Industrial Research Council, has developed technology that converts plastic waste to petroleum products. Green technology is currently only available in Japan, Germany and US. The UK and Australia are still trying to work on it.

Soon, India will be able to convert their plastic waste into diesel and petrol.
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This technology uses a combination of suitable catalysts to convert plastic into diesel, gasoline or aromatics. LPG is also produced as a by-product. The IIP Director, M.O Garg says that the fuels obtained (diesel and gasoline) through the process the technology employs, are of very high quality and meet Euro-III standards. Almost nil sulphur content is used and the diesel obtained by using this process is of very high quality. It will also vastly reduce engine emissions according to officials. If an engine is run on this fuel, the vehicle will be able to run for at least two more kilometers per litre than when it uses ordinary diesel.

We have applied for a patent. We developed this after nearly a decade of intensive research. We are now planning to commercialize the technology although we are still engaged in the process of engineering to design heavy machinery and processes,” Garg told Mail Today. “The current prices of petrol, which is derived from crude hydrocarbons, range between Rs 70 to Rs 80 per litre. Petrol in this case costs Rs 30 to Rs 40 per litre, inclusive of the cost of plant, operations, manpower and land cost. There is a mammoth amount of solid waste generated in the country. It could be procured at a minuscule cost.” 

This fuel will be ideal for users like state road corporations, railways and the defense establishment. As long as the effective implementation and enforcement of hazardous wastes (management and handling)Rules of 1989 is absent, handling of plastic waste in the country will continuously be a major challenge. If this technology is commercially implemented, India’s hazardous plastic waste problem will considerably be addressed.

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Left Brain – Right Brain Conflict

The brain is divided into two halves (hemispheres).

Usually, the left half of the brain controls the right side of the body.
The right half of the brain controls the left side of the body.
your right brain tries to say the color and your left brain insist to say the word, thus, causes you to slow down the process.



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