Mobiles, western culture, indecent dressing reasons for rape: UP Police

Thursday, October 30, 2014 – 23:51:

Lucknow: After SP leader Mulayam Singh Yadav’s ‘ladke to ladke hain’ (boys are boys) remark about rapists, Uttar Pradesh Police has listed mobile phones, western culture and indecent dressing by women as reasons for rape.

In a bizarre response to a Right to Information query, certain police stations cited “mobile and internet culture, western influence and indecent dressing sense among women” as some of the reasons behind rise in rape cases.

Though RTI activist Lokesh Khurana could not be contacted, reports said a police station in Firozabad cited lack of entertainment option as a possible reason for rapes.

In some other districts, the local police blamed dressing sense of women and girls for men getting attracted towards them.

At a police station in Etawah, policemen blamed too much contact between boys and girls as one of the reasons.

Inspector General of Police (Law and Order) A Satish Ganesh told reporters today that as of now, the police headquarters had no information regarding any such report given by certain police station in reply to an RTI query.

He said report has been sought from zonal heads regarding the RTI reply given by certain police stations.

Ganesh said as part of the procedure, all applications seeking information under RTI are forwarded to the respective zonal IG.

After this, the police stations concerned send information sought directly to the applicant.

The IG said in August, Khurana had submitted an application and sought information from the RTI cell at the police headquarters on 10 points relating to measures for preventing rising rape cases and possible reasons behind such incidents.

He said that as per the procedure, the application was forwarded to the police officers concerned.

Ganesh said there were 1,435 police stations in the state and what information they have given was not available with the state headquarters immediately.

He said that there were some news reports regarding controversial information given by certain police stations.

These have been taken seriously and all zonal IGs have been asked to collect reports from all police station and submit the same.

The SP supremo had said at a party rally at Moradabad in April, “Rape ke liye phansi par chadha diya jaayega? Ladke to ladke hain. Galti ho jati hai” (Will boys be hanged for rape? Boys are boys. They commit mistakes.)

Mulayam had made the statement citing the example of a

court sentencing three men found guilty of gang-raping two women in the abandoned Shakti Mills in Mumbai last year.

The reply to the RTI query has evoked sharp criticism from opposition parties which alleged that it proved their point that UP Police was insensitive.

“We had been saying this since long that UP police has become insensitive in its approach towrads women and girls,” BJP spokesman Vijay Bahadur Pathak alleged.

“There can be no better example of this than these RTI replies,” he said.

Pathak alleged that there has been a spurt in crime against women during the SP regime and now police was justifying it by giving lame excuses.

Senior Congress leader Akhilesh Pratap Singh said technology which could be used to improve law and order was being blamed for increasing crime.

“It is a strange argument. In reality the state police is trying to hide its own defects,” he alleged.

“Instead of blaming the technology, which has put India on the world map during UPA’s regime, the police should utilise it for better purpose,” Singh said.


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to Women: Don’t Ask For A Raise, Trust Karma

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella apologizes for saying ‘women don’t need to ask for a raise’

NEW YORK: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella apologized on Thursday and said that he was wrong for saying that women don’t need to ask for a raise and should just trust the system to pay them well.

Nadella was blasted on Twitter and in blog posts for his comments, which were made earlier on Thursday at an event for women in computing. Tech companies hire many more men than women. And beyond the tech industry, women are typically paid less than men.

He had been asked to give his advice to women who are uncomfortable requesting a raise. His response: “It’s not really about asking for the raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along.” Not asking for raise, he added, is “good karma” that would help a boss realize that the employee could be trusted and should have more responsibility.

But his comments caused an uproar online, and Microsoft posted a memo from him on its website. In it, Nadella said he answered the question “completely wrong” and that he thinks “men and women should get equal pay for equal work. And when it comes to career advice on getting a raise when you think it’s deserved, Maria’s advice was the right advice. If you think you deserve a raise, you should just ask.”

His interviewer at the event, Maria Klawe, president of Harvey Mudd College and a Microsoft director, had told him she disagreed, which drew cheers from the audience. She suggested women do their homework on salary information and first practice asking with people they trust.

Still, his comments at the event, the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, underscored why many see technology companies as workplaces that are difficult to navigate or even unfriendly for women and minorities. Tech companies, particularly the engineering ranks, are overwhelmingly male, white and Asian.

Criticized for their lack of diversity, major companies say they are trying to address the problem with programs such as employee training sessions and by participating in initiatives meant to introduce girls to coding.

Twenty-nine per cent of Microsoft’s employees are women, according to figures the Redmond, Washington-based company released earlier this month. Its technical and engineering staff and its management are just 17 per cent female.

Muzaffarnagar riots: SIT gives clean chit to five rape-accused for second time

Muzaffarnagar: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the Muzaffarnagar riots has given a clean chit for the second time to five persons accused of gang-raping a woman due to lack of evidence, police said on Saturday.

Five persons – Sushil, Ramesh, Ram Kumar, Devender and Jogender – are accused of allegedly gang-raping a 30-year-old woman on September 08 in Phugana village during communal riots in Muzaffaranagar and its adjoining districts last year.

SIT had filed a final report in this case earlier and given a clean chit to the accused as the victim had turned hostile.

The case was, however, reopened on the directive of the Supreme Court, which had ordered that statement of the victim should be recorded again before a woman magistrate.

The woman had then admitted of being gang-raped by five men before the woman magistrate and said she gave her earlier statement under pressure.

SIT had once again given a clean chit to the accused yesterday citing lack of evidence.

However, the victim’s family has said they will challenge the SIT’s clean chit in the apex court.

The Beautiful Diwali Thought…

We don’t flinch before swiping our debit cards in a swanky shopping mall when buying overpriced merchandise worth thousands in one go, but we bargain for ten-twenty rupees when buying small little things from poor street vendors.

Not saying don’t bargain at all, do it if you feel you’re being grossly overcharged but be a bit kind in doing so.
Saving a few rupees with bargains with poor vendors will not save you a fortune but if you let go of the harsh haggling, it can help brighten their Deepawali.. or even other days.

Give it a thought.

diwali 1112771730 Photo_Week_EN_Oct_pic_13


October 6, 2014 – 01:17

Hyderabad: Voicing concern over incidents of crime against women, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) on Sunday said there “is a danger of Hyderabad becoming like Delhi” and vowed to take tough measures to ensure safety of women including bringing in a “special” legislation,if needed.

“There seems to be no security for women and there is a danger of Hyderabad becoming like Delhi. Incidents like rape and harassment of women are happening in Hyderabad as well. There should be complete protection if Hyderabad’s brand image is to be safeguarded and if our women are to move about freely at midnight. Earlier, I had said that we would get tough to ensure this,” he said at a party meeting here.


October 7, 2014:

1)Noida: A constable of Uttar Pradesh police allegedly raped minor girl in Dadri area.The victim’s relative has lodged an FIR at Dadri police station on Tuesday alleging constable Anil had forcibly took the girl to his room and raped her on July 30, police said.The girl was admitted to a hospital and discharged from there after which she told her parents about the alleged rape incident. Deputy Superintendent of Police Anurag Singh said accused the constable is posted at Bulandshhar and is absconding.

October 6, 2014:

1)New Delhi: A woman who was raped by her landlord for three years and forced into sex trade, was rescued by her two friends from her rented house here, police said Monday. The accused has been arrested.

2)Meerut: A 15-year-old girl was allegedly abducted and gang-raped by her neighbours in Kankar Keda village here, police said on Monday.The incident took place on Sunday when the girl who had gone to a nearby market was abducted by her neighbours Wasim and Idreesh, police said, adding, they took her to an isolated place and raped her.

October 4, 2014:

Kota: An undertrial rape accused, who was admitted to hospital after alleged suicide attempt, has died here in southeastern Jhalawar district, police said on Saturday.

25-year-old Mukesh Tanwar was admitted to the hospital in a “critical condition” on Tuesday afternoon after he attempted suicide with a long piece of cloth in the barrack’s toilet for prisoners in the district session court, where he was brought for an appearance, police said.