Plea in Delhi HC against Uber

Tuesday, December 9, 2014:

New Delhi: Four days after the alleged rape incident in which a driver associated with US-based cab service provider Uber was arrested, a plea was on Tuesday filed in the Delhi High Court seeking action against all internet companies for failing to appoint grievance officers.

The high court had last year directed internet companies to display on their websites the name and contact details of grievance officer to deal with complaints by internet users as Information Technology (Intermediaries) Rules mandate it.

The plea filed by K N Govindacharya contends that despite the August 23, 2013 order by the high court, it has not been implemented by the Centre. Thus, Uber Taxi service was able to perpetuate illegal operations in India, it said.

The plea, filed through advocate Virag Gupta, seeks a direction to the Centre to prosecute all such companies, including Uber, which failed to appoint grievance officer.

“Uber, being intermediary, has never appointed grievances officer as per above legal mandate and is doing huge business operations through 3000 car drivers which reflects failure of collapse of governance in the country,” the plea said.

It says that more than 20 such taxi companies and thousands of other companies for various services are still operating and doing business in India without complying with various laws and orders.

The plea alleges the government has failed to check the illegality of agreements which are not authenticated with digital signatures, as it does not recognize any signature other than a digital signature, since services of such companies and apps are provided through exclusive agreements.

“Hence, all such agreements by internet/App companies with Indian users are illegal and if their business operations in India are allowed, then it may be detrimental to the interest of Indian users/consumers who cannot claim any damages/compensations for deficiency in services. Besides, government will not be able to recover taxes from such illegal operations,” the plea added.



A third of women globally victims of domestic violence: WHO

Geneva: Current efforts to prevent domestic violence are insufficient as a third of women worldwide are physically abused, according to a series of studies by the World Health Organization published on Friday.

Between 100 to 140 million women are victims of genital mutilation and around 70 million girls are married before 18, often against their will.

And some seven percent of women risk being raped in their lifetimes, the study said.

The violence, exacerbated during conflicts and humanitarian crises, have dramatic consequences on the physical and mental health of the victims.

“No magic wand will eliminate violence against women and girls. But evidence tells us that changes in attitudes and behaviours are possible, and can be achieved within less than a generation,” said Charlotte Watts, professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and co-author.

The study says even in places with tough, forward-looking laws many women are still the victims of discrimination, violence and lack adequate access to health and legal services.

“Early identification of women and children subjected to violence and a supportive and effective response can improve women`s lives and well-being, and help them to access vital services,” said Claudia Garcia-Moreno, a WHO physician.

The study`s authors said a real dent can only be made in the violence against women if governments put more resources into the fight and recognise how it serves as a brake on economic growth.

World leaders should also change discriminatory laws and institutions that encourage inequality and thus set the stage for more violence.

Finally, the authors wrote, governments need to encourage research and rapidly put into place measures that have been shown to work.

“We now have some promising findings to show what works to prevent violence. Our upcoming challenge is to expand this evidence on prevention and support responses to many more settings and forms of violence,” said Cathy Zimmerman, a doctor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


Fast Track Courts For Crimes Against Women in UP

LUCKNOW:All 75 districts of Uttar Pradesh will soon have fast track courts for crimes against women, an officials said on today.A decision to this effect was taken at the state cabinet meeting on Friday.

The state government has also earmarked a sum of Rs.15.15 crore every year to run these fast track courts. Chief minister Akhilesh Yadav had few weeks back written to the chief justice of India seeking his approval for setting up such courts.
Sources said the CJI approved the move last week after which the matter was put before the state cabinet for ratification.
“The chief minister is concerned about crimes against women and has been advocating swift justice for perpetrators of all such crimes,” an offiial said.
The official also informed that while 75 fast courts will be established — one each in every district, the five temporary fast track courts functioning for the last three months would also be made permanent.
Thousands of cases, including sexual assault on women and other serious crimes, keep pending for very long time and it was the endevour of the state government to create a mechanism where in quick justice in such cases could be delivered, the official added.


“Child Molestation.”

What comes to your mind when you hear these words?

Shock? Disgust? Sadness…?

But if you’re a victim, a whole host of other words come to mind.

Shame. Pain. Guilt. Hatred…

And victims there are many. According to a report by UNICEF, almost 53% of children in India face sexual abuse of some kind at least once in their lives. That means almost 1 in 2 Indians have been molested or worse, raped as children. Wrap your mind around that.

The most disgusting thing about child sex abuse is that in most cases, the perpetrator is known to the victim. And the most horrifying fact about it is that most perpetrators have no set gender, age or criminal history. Anyone could be a monster.

We wanted to show just how prevalent this heinous crime is in our country. So, we reached out to friends and acquaintances across India and asked them to anonymously share their own stories. And share they did. We received dozens of horrifying accounts of child sexual abuse from many scarred adults. We are sharing some of them with you. Their stories will leave you in a cold sweat.



I was five-years-old and had gone to my bua’s (aunt) place. They had a permanent servant with whom I would often play with as a kid. He was pretty old. One day, he asked me if I wanted to go to a nearby stable. Being an over-excited kid and a lover of animals, I jumped at the opportunity and instantly said yes. When we reached the stable, he took me inside and felt me up. As a young kid, I had no idea what was happening. I couldn’t even cry.

Now that I think of the incident, it disgusts me to the core. He was so old and I was probably his granddaughter’s age. The incident left a permanent fear in my mind and ever since, I have been afraid going to my aunt’s place. I even started staying away from my aunt’s sons fearing that they would do the same to me.



These days brushing keeps happening. We women have got used to it. But this one incident was more than just brushing. I was around 17 and had just come back from school. I was in Class 11.

I had almost reached home when a stranger came up to me and said something. Sensing that his intentions were bad, I ignored him and quickened my footsteps. He followed me and said, “Chut degi.” (Will you fuck me?) Terrified, I ran upstairs to my place. He followed and quickly grabbed me from my back. I shouted at the top of my voice, after which he ran. I thought of teaching him a lesson and ran after him, but he had gone. I was left in pieces.


I was 9-years-old. We had gone to my father’s best friend’s place, whom we fondly called tau(uncle). One of his cousin’s had come home from a village. We called him chachu. I was getting ready to sleep, along with two of my other cousins. Chachu came to our room and said he had no place to sleep and lay beside me. Minutes after lying down, he slid one of his hands inside my T-shirt.

As if that wasn’t enough, he then moved it down towards my underwear. I got up from the bed and saw him masturbating. Of course, I had no clue what he was doing back then. I went to a corner of the room and started playing with toys. He followed me and said we both could also play games if I wanted to. When I refused, he said if I decided to tell this to my parents, they would beat me and marry me off. “I am an elder and your relative. Nothing will happen to me,” I still remember him saying.



We were visiting some old family friends for dinner. My brother and I were really excited when we went to his room and found out that he had a video game console. We wanted to play but he had other things on his mind. He took us out for walk to an abandoned building nearby, took us up the steps and started talking about incredibly depraved sexual acts. We were really small and had no clue what he was talking about, so all we did was laugh. We got back home and he took us to his room, to “play video games.” There, he stripped and molested us. No one ever found out.

I am now a 28 year old man. And my blood boils in shame and horror whenever I think about what happened to me. All I can do now is pray that it doesn’t happen to anyone else.



It was 2007. I was 17-years-old and had just passed out of school. I had braces for a year for which I had to frequently visit a dentist whose clinic was in a small town. That doctor, who would be around 40-years-old, always looked for a chance to touch and get close to me. One day, I went to his clinic in the evening with my uncle. There was no one there except him. My uncle received a call and had to go to pick his nephew from the bus stand. This left me alone with the dentist.

As he was tightening my braces, his arms pressed my breasts and I was unable to move. After he was done tightening them, I got up from that slanting chair and I was sweating badly out of fear. He took one of his machines, a dental suction tool used to dry up the mouth, and tried to dry my sweating back saying ‘pasina aa raha hai’. I said faintly ‘nai nai’. I was very scared. I didn’t have a phone and couldn’t call anyone. Luckily, just then, his wife arrived with their 3 children. I was so relieved to have them there and was surprised to see his behaviour change post their arrival.



My sister was around 7-years-old when this happened. However, she shared it with me only recently, when I was in college. She had gone to our maasi’s (aunt) place where her son, our first cousin, molested her. He took her to the wash-room and tried to feel her up and down. This happened whenever she went there. She kept mum, because it was our very own brother!



I was 10-years-old and was busy playing near my house when a courier guy asked me for a nearby address. I told him the way, but he asked me to come and show it to him. As I went into a narrow corridor, he came closer and slid his hand in my panties. I just ran to save my life. I have never trusted strangers since.



When I joined college, my parents got me admitted to a Hostel. I didn’t have many other guys my age there. Most of the people there were my seniors. I had mentally prepared myself for ragging. I knew it would happen. And it did. It was strange, harrowing and humiliating. I was asked to strip and perform silly acts dozens of times. But there is one incident I just cannot forget. At the end of my “initiation,” they asked me and another junior to strip. I was then asked to sit, facing his genitals and not move or turn my head away. I couldn’t understand how this was ragging. I was disgusted, but I got through it. A year later, when my juniors came, my seniors asked me to join in the “fun.” I asked those perverts to fuck off.



We were kids. She was two years elder to me and ‘Sexy ghar ghar’ was her favourite game. She always became the husband and made me the wife. She would often kiss me while playing. I felt uncomfortable, but she was also a girl, so I ignored the awkwardness.

Once, she asked me to wear a skirt and dress up. I remember I wore a blue skirt and a blue top with yellow flowers. She tried to kiss me on the lips. I was just confused as to what was happening. I never told anyone about this until this day.



I was 17-years-old. I went to a homoeopathic doctor with my Mom as I was unwell. He had to do a check-up, so I was asked to come to the corner of the room where a small bed was kept. I lied down and he started moving the stethoscope around my breasts. Within seconds, he slid his hand inside my shirt. Shocked, I shouted, “What the hell are you doing?” This alerted my Mom sitting in the room and she quickly came up to me. We ran out of that place.



I was a student of Class 6 and used to sit with a boy because that’s how it went in our school – one boy and one girl were made to sit together. We were in the middle of a science lecture when the guy sitting next to me put his hand on my knees. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and he was looking at the blackboard. Just when I thought it was a mistake, his hand moved upwards towards my thigh. He lifted my skirt and felt my thigh. I was stunned. I stayed away from him throughout the rest of our school years. Just recently, the bastard had the gall to send me a friend request on Facebook. I blocked him for good.



I was a teenager. Small enough to not know what molestation was, and big enough to have breasts. I was at home with my mother when one of my grandfather’s friend came over. He was a good friend of his and often paid us a visit. My mom went to the neighbour’s place for a few minutes. He realized I was alone and came close to hug me. This was not one of your regular hugs. He kept standing holding my waist and squeezed me. That was the most awkward I have ever felt in my life. I used to hide whenever he came home after that.



When we were kids, no-one really taught us what a good touch or a bad touch meant. Our parents probably presumed that we were always in safe hands, which is far from true.
I remember this one incident when I was 12 and was at a crowded market where people did not even have enough space to walk without elbowing someone. I was sitting on a rickshaw when a filthy middle-aged man with grey hair felt my thigh. My outfit was as ‘appropriate’ as it gets. I was fully covered. I was not courageous enough to speak out. Today, I wish I did. It left a deep impact on the mind of a 12-year-old.



One of my friends went to Bangalore to visit another friend. One late afternoon, she was sexually molested by a neighbour who grabbed her boobs. It was very evident that it was intentional.  When she started shouting, people in the neighbourhood came out and started thrashing him. The molester was constantly asking for forgiveness. My friend being a soft-hearted person, forgave him. Maybe forgiveness was her way of dealing with this traumatic experience. She feels it has not impacted her. But judging by the shadow on her face when she was telling me this, I think it has.

This has to stop!

Whether they prey on a boy or a girl, the people who use children as their play things for their own depraved ends, are nothing short of monsters and should be punished. In 2012, the Indian Parliament passed the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) to protect children from any type of harassment. But punishment isn’t enough. What is required is constant vigilance and care.

  • Educate your children about their bodies and tell them the difference between a good and a bad touch
  • Be cautious of all the people your kids interact with. Make sure they treat them right
  • Teach your kids to refuse anything from strangers, including money, gifts or rides
  • Make sure they don’t keep anything from you
  • Closely supervise them while they are on the Internet. Teens and pre-teens can easily access social media websites where they may meet people who can harm them.

Let’s keep our children safe. Because there are some wounds that even time cannot heal.



Mobiles, western culture, indecent dressing reasons for rape: UP Police

Thursday, October 30, 2014 – 23:51:

Lucknow: After SP leader Mulayam Singh Yadav’s ‘ladke to ladke hain’ (boys are boys) remark about rapists, Uttar Pradesh Police has listed mobile phones, western culture and indecent dressing by women as reasons for rape.

In a bizarre response to a Right to Information query, certain police stations cited “mobile and internet culture, western influence and indecent dressing sense among women” as some of the reasons behind rise in rape cases.

Though RTI activist Lokesh Khurana could not be contacted, reports said a police station in Firozabad cited lack of entertainment option as a possible reason for rapes.

In some other districts, the local police blamed dressing sense of women and girls for men getting attracted towards them.

At a police station in Etawah, policemen blamed too much contact between boys and girls as one of the reasons.

Inspector General of Police (Law and Order) A Satish Ganesh told reporters today that as of now, the police headquarters had no information regarding any such report given by certain police station in reply to an RTI query.

He said report has been sought from zonal heads regarding the RTI reply given by certain police stations.

Ganesh said as part of the procedure, all applications seeking information under RTI are forwarded to the respective zonal IG.

After this, the police stations concerned send information sought directly to the applicant.

The IG said in August, Khurana had submitted an application and sought information from the RTI cell at the police headquarters on 10 points relating to measures for preventing rising rape cases and possible reasons behind such incidents.

He said that as per the procedure, the application was forwarded to the police officers concerned.

Ganesh said there were 1,435 police stations in the state and what information they have given was not available with the state headquarters immediately.

He said that there were some news reports regarding controversial information given by certain police stations.

These have been taken seriously and all zonal IGs have been asked to collect reports from all police station and submit the same.

The SP supremo had said at a party rally at Moradabad in April, “Rape ke liye phansi par chadha diya jaayega? Ladke to ladke hain. Galti ho jati hai” (Will boys be hanged for rape? Boys are boys. They commit mistakes.)

Mulayam had made the statement citing the example of a

court sentencing three men found guilty of gang-raping two women in the abandoned Shakti Mills in Mumbai last year.

The reply to the RTI query has evoked sharp criticism from opposition parties which alleged that it proved their point that UP Police was insensitive.

“We had been saying this since long that UP police has become insensitive in its approach towrads women and girls,” BJP spokesman Vijay Bahadur Pathak alleged.

“There can be no better example of this than these RTI replies,” he said.

Pathak alleged that there has been a spurt in crime against women during the SP regime and now police was justifying it by giving lame excuses.

Senior Congress leader Akhilesh Pratap Singh said technology which could be used to improve law and order was being blamed for increasing crime.

“It is a strange argument. In reality the state police is trying to hide its own defects,” he alleged.

“Instead of blaming the technology, which has put India on the world map during UPA’s regime, the police should utilise it for better purpose,” Singh said.


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to Women: Don’t Ask For A Raise, Trust Karma

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella apologizes for saying ‘women don’t need to ask for a raise’

NEW YORK: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella apologized on Thursday and said that he was wrong for saying that women don’t need to ask for a raise and should just trust the system to pay them well.

Nadella was blasted on Twitter and in blog posts for his comments, which were made earlier on Thursday at an event for women in computing. Tech companies hire many more men than women. And beyond the tech industry, women are typically paid less than men.

He had been asked to give his advice to women who are uncomfortable requesting a raise. His response: “It’s not really about asking for the raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along.” Not asking for raise, he added, is “good karma” that would help a boss realize that the employee could be trusted and should have more responsibility.

But his comments caused an uproar online, and Microsoft posted a memo from him on its website. In it, Nadella said he answered the question “completely wrong” and that he thinks “men and women should get equal pay for equal work. And when it comes to career advice on getting a raise when you think it’s deserved, Maria’s advice was the right advice. If you think you deserve a raise, you should just ask.”

His interviewer at the event, Maria Klawe, president of Harvey Mudd College and a Microsoft director, had told him she disagreed, which drew cheers from the audience. She suggested women do their homework on salary information and first practice asking with people they trust.

Still, his comments at the event, the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, underscored why many see technology companies as workplaces that are difficult to navigate or even unfriendly for women and minorities. Tech companies, particularly the engineering ranks, are overwhelmingly male, white and Asian.

Criticized for their lack of diversity, major companies say they are trying to address the problem with programs such as employee training sessions and by participating in initiatives meant to introduce girls to coding.

Twenty-nine per cent of Microsoft’s employees are women, according to figures the Redmond, Washington-based company released earlier this month. Its technical and engineering staff and its management are just 17 per cent female.

Muzaffarnagar riots: SIT gives clean chit to five rape-accused for second time

Muzaffarnagar: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the Muzaffarnagar riots has given a clean chit for the second time to five persons accused of gang-raping a woman due to lack of evidence, police said on Saturday.

Five persons – Sushil, Ramesh, Ram Kumar, Devender and Jogender – are accused of allegedly gang-raping a 30-year-old woman on September 08 in Phugana village during communal riots in Muzaffaranagar and its adjoining districts last year.

SIT had filed a final report in this case earlier and given a clean chit to the accused as the victim had turned hostile.

The case was, however, reopened on the directive of the Supreme Court, which had ordered that statement of the victim should be recorded again before a woman magistrate.

The woman had then admitted of being gang-raped by five men before the woman magistrate and said she gave her earlier statement under pressure.

SIT had once again given a clean chit to the accused yesterday citing lack of evidence.

However, the victim’s family has said they will challenge the SIT’s clean chit in the apex court.


October 6, 2014 – 01:17

Hyderabad: Voicing concern over incidents of crime against women, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) on Sunday said there “is a danger of Hyderabad becoming like Delhi” and vowed to take tough measures to ensure safety of women including bringing in a “special” legislation,if needed.

“There seems to be no security for women and there is a danger of Hyderabad becoming like Delhi. Incidents like rape and harassment of women are happening in Hyderabad as well. There should be complete protection if Hyderabad’s brand image is to be safeguarded and if our women are to move about freely at midnight. Earlier, I had said that we would get tough to ensure this,” he said at a party meeting here.


October 7, 2014:

1)Noida: A constable of Uttar Pradesh police allegedly raped minor girl in Dadri area.The victim’s relative has lodged an FIR at Dadri police station on Tuesday alleging constable Anil had forcibly took the girl to his room and raped her on July 30, police said.The girl was admitted to a hospital and discharged from there after which she told her parents about the alleged rape incident. Deputy Superintendent of Police Anurag Singh said accused the constable is posted at Bulandshhar and is absconding.

October 6, 2014:

1)New Delhi: A woman who was raped by her landlord for three years and forced into sex trade, was rescued by her two friends from her rented house here, police said Monday. The accused has been arrested.

2)Meerut: A 15-year-old girl was allegedly abducted and gang-raped by her neighbours in Kankar Keda village here, police said on Monday.The incident took place on Sunday when the girl who had gone to a nearby market was abducted by her neighbours Wasim and Idreesh, police said, adding, they took her to an isolated place and raped her.

October 4, 2014:

Kota: An undertrial rape accused, who was admitted to hospital after alleged suicide attempt, has died here in southeastern Jhalawar district, police said on Saturday.

25-year-old Mukesh Tanwar was admitted to the hospital in a “critical condition” on Tuesday afternoon after he attempted suicide with a long piece of cloth in the barrack’s toilet for prisoners in the district session court, where he was brought for an appearance, police said.


Saturday, September 27, 2014 – 16:15

Rampur: A woman was allegedly gang-raped by her daughter’s father-in-law and six others at her residence here, police said Saturday.

September 25, 2014 – 14:01

Muzaffarnagar: A 14-year-old girl was raped by a shopkeeper in Sadar Bazar locality under Civil Lines police station here, police said on Thursday.

September 24, 2014 – 15:32

Badaun: A minor dalit girl was allegedly gang-raped by three youths when she had gone to fetch water in Civil Lines area here, a senior police officer said Wednesday.

September 24, 2014 – 13:45

Batala: A married woman was allegedly raped at knifepoint by her neighbour in Weela Tejavillage here, police said Wednesday.

September 19, 2014 – 19:58

Jaipur: A 34-year-old woman was allegedly raped by five persons who also robbed her family of Rs 10,000 in cash and other valuables in Vaishali Nagar area here.

Friday, September 19, 2014 – 19:28

New Delhi: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued a notice to the West Bengal government over the alleged rape and murder of a scheduled caste girl in Jalpaiguri District.